May 31, 2015

The Risk Is All Mine

I'm told I am a very black and white person. I have a tendency to make up my mind, draw a line in the sand and stand by what I believe. People have different impressions of what the says about me. I've been called fanatical, stubborn, hard headed, close minded, integris, loyal, faithful. Some people have seen it as a great weakness. Some people have seen it as a great strength. I'm sure there is truth to both sides. 

The truth is, it has never been a difficult thing for me to stand up for what I believe. I'm a deeply passionate and morally driven individual. I genuinely care about the issues that effect other's lives. I make a very plain connection between the issues that we have and the quality of life we experience. Most of the time I am so quickly moved by a wrong or injustice that my mouth vomits out my belief. This is true of the way I live my life as well. You could ask anyone close to me. It is near impossible to get me to act contrary to what I believe. After all, the risk is all mine.

What is difficult for me however, is to believe for other people. Something that, as a christian has really challenged me. I think the heart of it comes down to this. I have no problem risking my life, or my reputation. Fundamentally, I find character and truth to be infinity more valuable than any of the former. But, when it comes to risking those same things for other people's sake. I get more than a little nervous. It is a real test of what I believe.

I could convince myself that it is my care and love for people that causes this. That I value people so much so that I do not wish to risk any harm to them. But that's simply not true. I have to really evaluate why I value truth and character over life and reputation and I think that the root of that is found in Christ. From where I sit in life, from my own personal experience and understanding, I have found that the promises and character of God are infinity more valuable than anything I could obtain in this life. Greater that people. Greater than wealth or material possession. Greater than any title or position or influence.

 So if I truly believe that, and if I truly believe that Jesus Christ raised from the dead with the promise of eternal life and limitless all enveloping relationship, then if I really care about individuals, then I MUST believe the same thing for them. If I am not willing to risk those people's life and pride on the promises of God's truth and the greater truth in Christ's  Character, then one of two things are true. Either I do not love those people. Or I do not actually believe what I say I do.

This has been something that has weighed heavily on my heart in the recent months. With the understanding and God given revelation of this core belief, I have come to be so compelled to speak into other's lives and to intentionally reach out and risk other's in a way that has really tested my faith. It's been challenging to speak truth when no one wants to hear it and to directly stand in opposite of what seems to be plain fact. Many people have accused me of arrogance and religious dogma, they have a hard time understanding how risking other's can be a loving act. I can understand that. I'm willing to look the arrogant fool if it means other's will reap the fruit of intervention.

I'm glad Jesus was too.

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