September 4, 2014

God didn't make the night

I've heard this statement so many times: "If God made the world why did he make evil." Like God authored it. Like God started it. Like His entire intention included pain and hurt and death. Like God isn't good, or like he can be both at the same time.

But... what gets me is that wherever I shine my flashlight, I can't find the dark. I've got this theory and I think maybe you can understand it. Maybe we've got this whole good and evil thing all mismatched and upside down. Our take on darkness implies that darkness is a thing, like it was created. But maybe, its just the opposite. No where in the bible do I see "then God created darkness". No the closest thing we have is that God created light. Then he SEPARATED it from the dark. So that wherever there was light, darkness couldn't be.

If then, God is the light. If God is good. Then there can't be any darkness where He is. What does that imply? That darkness isn't a thing at all. Darkness is an absence of The Light. So evil is just an absence of Good. So, where did He go? Why is there darkness?

Go back to the beginning, flip over to Genesis. Where Adam fell. Where we made the choice to live our lives without God. Now, if you'll take the time, read chapters Genesis to Malachi and try to tell me you don't see a God who spent his entirety trying to get back into our hearts. Then read Matthew to Revelation and tell me He didn't give it all.

God didn't make the night. We just don't understand how bad life is without Him. How bad we are without Him. It isn't cause we're inherently evil. It's because we were made to be with Him and we're broken without Him.

We're like a plant that needs light. A plant that needs water. A plant that needs food. And we go plant ourselves in a cave and wonder why we're dying. He provided the soil and the sun and the water. But we're in a cave.

"Why did he forsake me?"

"Why are you in a cave?"

Like our argument even makes sense. We have a choice, to have God in our lives or to not have God in our lives. Either we allow His light to illuminate our lives, or we live in the cave. But don't get it crooked, He didn't make the darkness. He made the light.

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