March 29, 2016

Dear Young People, A Word Of Advice...

Looking back on my last five years in life, moving into my mid twenties, I'm genuinely amazed at the places I've been and the people I've met. I don't know if I've done everything right, I'm not even sure if I've done anything right. But if I have, it has been due to two things.

First I have submitted my life and my decisions to my mentors and friends. I have closely guarded my ear from people. Giving attention only to those who have worked and proven they can be trusted. I have been very picky with the people I share my heart with and whom I confide in. These are people who have given of themselves for my benefit. Who have taken time to speak with me or walk with me when I had nothing to give to them. Friends are something this generation really has all wrong. We have drastically undervalued deep intimate friendships. We have, like previous generations disregarded the wisdom of those older and wiser. Who have lived life alone, and are just now desperately looking for brotherhood and friendship.

I have submitted my life to those dear to me and allowed them to help me navigate this difficult season. I do not know what dark or dry place I would be without them.

Second I have submitted my Will to God. My Pastor (Glen Johnson) once said that once you make up your mind if you're going to serve God, 90% of your decisions are already made. How right he is! It isn't difficult for me to make most decisions. Most people are surprised at the speed that I come to a  conclusion on issues that they consider to be incredibly important. They don't realize that there was never a choice for me.

What is most important about this though, isn't the decisions. Its the attitude. There have been so many times I've wanted to just give up. To just cave. To do what I wanted. To just say screw it all. I've been frustrated to tears and broken to pieces. But there is something about that submission to God, that when everything seems to just be going crazy and nothing makes sense, to wander off alone and shout the the heavens. "YOUR WILL, NOT MINE. I know its crazy, I don't get it. Nothing makes sense but I know you've got this. You make a way. You take the credit. You be the hero." To just continually surrender that desire to break away when things aren't going my way. To surrender that need to do it my way. There is so much freedom in letting go of your personal failures and letting God put it back together.

The reality is that most if not all of the difficulties in my life have been self induced. Poor decisions. Bad attitudes. Wrong ideas. Lack of discipline. And when you take credit for that, and submit it to God, openly and willingly accepting the responsibility of what you've done. Something supernatural happens. Suddenly those problems, those issues, those mistakes, they become pale next to the blood of Christ. And hear me out here, I'm not talking about some cheesy corny "blood of Christ" reference here. I mean really. That level of forgiveness and love extends beyond just reconciliation. Its restoration. For the soul. For the mind. For your entire life. And what you accept the responsibility for the mess of your life, when your pride gets out of the way, God has so much more room to work.

Friends, your early twenties are the most pivotal years in your life. This is where you need to find the end of yourself. Push yourself. Stretch yourself until you break. That's where you'll find Christ. In your brokenness.

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