February 22, 2015

Make War On The Status Quo

I was once told that if you're not growing, you're dying.

Sounds kind of harsh but what it brings to my mind is King David. 2 Samuel 11:1 David should have been at war and instead hes on his Balcony. Ina  moment of contentment and safety David sins. From that moment on David's life spiraled into mediocre. He lost his kingdom and his family to the status quo. Comfy living.

I've always wondered if David had chosen to God to war, like he was supposed to. What the world today might look like. What the kingdom of Israel might look like. What David's life would have looked like.

The thought permeates me to the core. My greatest failings exist in my comfort zone. When I run in neutral. When I cease to do things on purpose. When I stop pressing in. When I stop seeking. When I stop working. When I take a break. I wonder how many harsh words have been said when I decided I was too tired to act kind. How many things I could have done, or people I could have reached if I had pressed a little further each day? What might I obtain if I could work a little harder each day to see my dreams come to reality?

When will my choices push my life over the apex and to the downward spiral?

I think now, that I understand the significant of the extra mile. I've stopped accepting the myth of the "burned out" servant. I've read many times that God will lift of the weary and the down trodden. I think I've really started to believe Isaiah 40:31.

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

So, I've decided to go to war on the status quo. Then when things become too comfortable, when they become too easy I will seek out and find new ways to stretch myself. New ways to grow. I need to ask myself the very dangerous question each day: "What more can I do?"

I don't want to be the man who buried my time away. So that when I meet Christ face-to-face I return it with no interest. With no gain. That what he had given me, like our inflated currency, will have lost value. 

I don't want to tell him that the kingdom never advanced in my life. That I was just barely able to keep the Status Quo on my own salvation. That I just barely managed to make it to Sunday service every week. Sure, I didn't reach anyone, but at least I made it. Right?

I want to make war on the Status Quo. I want to be growing and pushing forward and doing more and helping others. I want to effect change in my community. Create jobs. Create homes. Mentor young men. Raise a family that serves God with all their heart. Encourage friends who seek Him out. Help them. Support them. Support my church. My Pastors.

I want to make a difference. Not just maintain the Status Quo.

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