August 6, 2014

The Message Of Hopelessness

I've only been attending church for about 4 years, yet there has been a message preached by pastors, leaders, and church goers that I'm just tired of hearing. It's the message of hopelessness. Jesus came to Earth to bring us a message of Hope. To show us that in every situation God can triumph. That nothing is too large or too small for him to intervene. I mean He literally told us that we could move mountains and that if we could just believe in Him it would be possible.

Our youth are already hopeless. They don't need people telling them that their situation is hopeless. When God gives them a vision to travel the world and minister to thousands, they don't need someone to tell them it's going to be hard. "No REALLY?!" They need someone to believe in them, encourage them. PREACH hope to them.


  • religious teaching, message, sermons;
  • publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief).
  • earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action).
We should be advocating Hope in every situation. I have been blessed and fortunate enough to have Pastors and leaders who have always been the ones to breath hope in my situations. But that's what makes me so upset. Why isn't everyone getting that kind of wisdom? Where are all the called? Wheres the preachers with the Gospel (THE MESSAGE OF HOPE). I don't get it. Jesus made it so simply. He literally called it the Good News. Where's the Good news in dying of cancer? How can christian sit there while someone who is desperately dying of a terminal disease and be like "I hope God heals you." Do you even know what hope means?!


A confident expectation and desire for something good in the future.

Please explain the future to me when you're dead. There is no good news in that. But then you get the guy thats going to be like "Well the hope is after we die." So we have all this time on earth to sit here and hope for death. Then why are we hear? Just to get other people to hop on the bandwagon? The Hope isn't even about death. It's about life. Its about the fact that Jesus made a way for us to have fellowship with the father. That means we get to talk with Him. Be in His presence. That means that Jesus is interceding for us in every situation. That means, when there is no hope. Jesus makes Hope.

Like God wants you to be poor. Like our generation really needs to hear the old tired crap. It's so convenient that being poor makes you pious and being rich makes you vain. Cause making money is difficult and not making money is easy. You just do nothing. God wants you to be faithful. When your in a situation with no financial way of making it, He makes a way.

I wish that we could be a generation that does away with the religious dogmas of our forefathers. That we just pray and seek Hope in every situation. That we seek good in peoples lives. That we worry less about our doctrinal difference and focused more on our agreement for Hope in peoples lives.

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